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VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí




NĂM HỌC 2015-2016


Thời gian: 90 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
Mã đề thi A121

SECTION A: (8 points)
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he
foresaw its universally destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor
of dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeks before his death·, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes
to people who had made worthwhile contributions to humanity. Originally there were five awards:
literature, physics, chemistry, medicine, and peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years
after the first awards ceremony.
Nobel's original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for
the awards which vary from $30,000 to $125,000.
Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death, the awards (gold medal, illuminated
diploma, and money) are presented to the winners. Sometimes politics plays an important role in the
judges' decisions. Americans have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes.
No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have won
two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their prizes.
Câu 1: The word "legacy" in the second paragraph means most nearly the same as _______.
A bequest

B prize

C debt

D legend

C 2

D 10

Câu 2: In how many fields are prizes bestowed?
A 6

B 5

Câu 3: All of the following statements are true EXCEPT
A ceremonies are held on December 10 to commemorate Nobel's invention
B Politics plays an important role in selecting the winners
C A few individuals have won two awards
D Awards vary in monetary value

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Câu 4: How much money did Nobel leaves for the prizes?
A $9,000,000

B $155,000

C $125,000

D $30,000

Câu 5: The Nobel prize was established in order to _________.
A recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity B spend money
C resolve political differences

D honor the inventor of dynamite

Câu 6: In the first paragraph, "worthwhile" is closest in meaning to _________ .
A valuable

B trivial

C economic

D prestigious

Câu 7: The word "foresaw" in the first paragraph is nearest in meaning to ________.
A postponed

B predicted

C prevailed

D prevented

Câu 8: According to the passage, Nobel's profession was in _________ .
A literature

B economics

C medicine

D science

Câu 9: What is the main idea of this passage?
A Alfred Nobel created awards in six categories for contributions to humanity.
B Alfred Nobel left all of his money to science.
C Alfred Nobel became very rich when he invented dynamite
D Alfred Nobel made a lasting contribution to humanity
Câu 10: In which area have Americans received the least awards?
A Economics

B Science

C Peace

D Literature

Choose the option A, B, C or D to indicate which of the following words has the bold, italic part
pronounced differently from others.
Câu 11: A killed

B crashed

C waved

D cured

Câu 12: A stays

B tells

C talks

D steals

Câu 13: A church

B machine

C changeable

D cheese

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose stress is placed
differently from that of the others in each of the following questions.
Câu 14: A primary

B employee

C difference

D recognize

Câu 15: A predict

B patient

C police

D attract

Mark the letter A, b, C, or D to identify the underlined part that is not correct.
Câu 16: Looking from afar, the village resembles a small green spot dotted with tiny fireballs.
A Resembles

B with

C green spot

D Looking

Câu 17: The more frequently you exercise, the greatest physical endurance you will have.

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A greatest

B frequently

C will have

D exercise

Câu 18: The doctor advised him to avoid eating fatty foods, having more vegetables and drink much
A eating

B having

C much

D advised him

Câu 19: The number of homeless people in Nepal have increased sharply due to that severe earthquake.
A Have

B Of

C due to

D severe earthquake

Câu 20: Since poaching is becoming more seriously, the government has imposed stricter laws to prevent
A Poaching

B Seriously

C Stricter

D it

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Câu 21:

Schooling is compulsory for all Vietnamese children from the age of 6 to 14.

A obeyed
Câu 22:

B required

C obligatory

D optional

An optimistic person always sees things on the bright sides.

A intelligent

B pesimistic

C comfortable

D difficult

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Câu 23: - Anne: " Make yourself at home".

- John: "_______"

A Thanks! Same to you.

B Not at all. Don't mention it.

C Yes, Can I help you?

D That's very kind. Thank you.

Câu 24: Books and magazines ______ around made his room very untidy.
A that lie

B laying

C which lied

D lying

Câu 25: He agreed to sign the contract _______.
A so he didn’t know much about that company
B in spite he knew much about that company
C although he didn’t know much about that company.
D because he didn’t know much about that company’s director.
Câu 26: I can _____ with most things but I cannot stand noisy children.
A put aside

B put on

C put off

D put up

Câu 27: The passengers had to wait because the plane ______ off an hour late.
A cut

B turned

C took

D made

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Câu 28: No sooner _____ at the bus stop ______ the bus came.
A he had arrived/ when

B he had arrived/ than

C had he arrived/ than

D had he arrived/

Câu 29: ______ arrived earlier, we could have finished the task.
A Had we

B If we hadn’t

C Unless we had

D If we have

Câu 30: The manager had his brother ______ the report for him.
A to typed

B typing

C type

D typed

Câu 31: My uncle ______ a very beautiful house in town last year.
A buy

B bought

C will buy

D is building

Câu 32: You can _____ the meaning of the new words in the dictionary.
A look after

B look at

C look up

D look for

C the before day.

D the previous day

C had been

D were

Câu 33: I said that I had met her ______.
A yesterday
Câu 34:

B the day

If I _____ you, I would give Mary a lift.

A would be

B am

Câu 35: There were two small rooms in the beach house, _____ served as a kitchen.
A the smaller of which B the smaller of them

C the smallest of which D smallest of that

Câu 36: After having used the new technique, the factory produced ____ cars in 2014 as the year before.
A as twice many

B as many twice

C twice many as

D twice as many

Câu 37: John asked me ______ interested in.
A what kind of sports I was

B what kind of sports was I

C what kind of sports I am

D what kind of sports am I

Câu 38: They are very happy because a new school for their children _____ in their village now.
A has been built
Câu 39:

B is being built

C is building

D has build

______ from outer space, our earth looks like a “blue planet”

A Be seen

B Seeing

C Seen

D Having seen

Câu 40: The girls and flowers __________ he painted were vivid.
A that

B who

C which

D whose

Câu 41: __________he missed the first bus, he came ten minutes late.
A Although

B Because

C However

D Therefore

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Câu 42:

Magma is the primary source of all the earth’s rocks.

A cheapest



C worst

D first

Câu 43: The organization was established in 1950 in the USA.
A come around

B made out

C put on

D set up

Câu 44: The ASEAN Para-Games are hosted by the same country where the SEA Games took place.
A defended

B impressed

C participated

D organized

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
An air pollutant is defined as a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere
in such quantities as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or materials adversely. Air pollution requires a
very flexible definition that permits continuous change. When the first air pollution laws were established
in England in the fourteenth century, air pollutants were limited to compounds that could be seen or
smelled - a far cry from the extensive list of harmful substances known today. As technology has
developed and knowledge of the health aspects of various chemicals has increased, the list of air
pollutants has lengthened. In the future, even water vapor might be considered an air pollutant under
certain conditions.
Many of the more important air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen
oxides, are found in nature. As the Earth developed, the concentration of these pollutants was altered by
various chemical reactions; they became components in biogeochemical cycles. These serve as an air
purification scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to the water or soil. On a global
basis, nature's output of these compounds dwarfs that resulting from human activities.
However, human production usually occurs in a localized area, such as a city. In such a region,
human output may be dominant and may temporarily overload the natural purification scheme of the
cycles. The result is an increased concentration of noxious chemicals in the air. The concentrations at
which the adverse effects appear will be greater than the concentrations that the pollutants would have in
the absence of human activities. The actual concentration need not be large for a substance to be a
pollutant; in fact, the numerical value tells us little until we know how much of an increase this represents
over the concentration that would occur naturally in the area. For example, sulfur dioxide has detectable

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health effects at 0.08 parts per million (ppm), which is about 400 times its natural level. Carbon monoxide,
however, has a natural level of 0.1 ppm and is not usually a pollutant until its level reaches about 15 ppm.
Câu 45: It can be inferred from the first paragraph that _________.
A water vapor is an air pollutant in localized areas
B the definition of air pollution will continue to change
C most air pollutants today can be seen or smelled
D a substance becomes an air pollutant only in cities
Câu 46: Which of the following is best supported by the passage?
A One of the most important steps in preserving natural lands is to better enforce air pollution laws.
B Scientists should be consulted in order to establish uniform limits for all air pollutants.
C Human activities have been effective in reducing air pollution.
D To effectively control pollution, local government should regularly review their air pollution laws.
Câu 47: The word "detectable" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to _________ .
A measurable

B beneficial

C special

D separable

Câu 48: The word "These" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.
A the pollutants from the developing Earth

B the components in biogeochemical cycles

C the compounds moved to the water or soil

D the various chemical reactions

Câu 49: According to the passage, the numerical value of the concentration level of a substance is only
useful if _______.
A it is in a localized area

B the other substances in the area are known

C it can be calculated quickly

D the natural level is also known

Câu 50: The word "localized" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.
A specified

B surrounded

C encircled

D circled.

Câu 51: According to the passage, human-generated air pollution in localized regions _______.
A will damage areas outside of the localized regions
B will react harmfully with natural pollutants
C can overwhelm the natural system that removes pollutants
D can be dwarfed by nature's output of pollutants
Câu 52: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A The economic impact of air pollution.

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B The effects of compounds added to the atmosphere.
C How much harm air pollutants can cause.
D What constitutes an air pollutant.
Câu 53: For which of the following reasons can natural pollutants play an important role in controlling
air pollution?
A They occur in greater quantities than other pollutants.
B They function as part of a purification process.
C They are less harmful to living beings than other pollutants.
D They have existed since the Earth developed.
Câu 54: The word "adversely" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _________ .
A negatively

B admittedly

C considerably

D quickly

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the following questions.
Speech is one of the most important (55) _________ of communicating. It consists of far more
than just making noises. To talk and also to (56) _________ by other people, we have to speak a language,
that is, we have to use combinations of (57)_________ that everyone agrees to stand for a particular
object or idea. Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own language. Learning a
language properly is very (58)_________ . The basic (59) _________ of English is not very large, and not
only about 2,000 words are needed to speak it quite (60) _________. But the more idea you can (61)
_________ the more precise you can be about their exact meaning. Words are the (62)_________ thing
we use in communicating what we want to say. The way we (63) _________ the words is also very
important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and (64) _________ whether we are pleased or
angry, for instance.
Câu 55: A rules

B reason

C ways

D tests

Câu 56:

B be examined

C be understood

D be talked

Câu 57: A systems

B talks

C sounds

D languages

Câu 58: A simple

B important

C expensive

D easy

Câu 59: A vocabulary

B grammar

C structure

D word

Câu 60: A fluent

B perfect

C well

D good

Câu 61: A pass

B express

C grow

D need

Câu 62: A most

B certain

C main

D full

A be spoken

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Câu 63: A send

B talk

C say

D pass

Câu 64: A understand

B ask

C show

D know

SECTION B: (2 points)
A. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed
before them.
Question 1: No one has used that door for 20 years.
à That door ____________________________________________.
Question 2: “I am sorry I did not phone you earlier,” said John.
à John apologized ________________________________________.
Question 3: It was not nice of you not to invite me to your party.
à I might _______________________________________________.
Question 4: This is the first time I have ever tasted such a delicious meal.
à I have ________________________________________________.
Question 5: If he does not obey the rules, he will be sacked soon.
à Unless ________________________________________________.
B. In about 140 words, write a paragraph to describe the ideal world where you would like to live in the
Your writing might consist of following prompts:

The world of peace.


The world of no pollution


The world of no unemployment.
--------- THE END -------Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.

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SECTION A: (8 points)
Đáp án mã đề thi A121
1. A

2. A

3. A

4. A

5. A

6. A

7. B

8. D

9. D

10. D

11. B

12. C

13. B

14. B

15. B

16. D

17. A

18. B

19. A

20. B

21. D

22. B

23. D

24. D

25. C

26. D

27. C

28. C

29. A

30. C

31. B

32. C

33. D

34. D

35. A

36. D

37. A

38. B

39. C

40. A

41. B

42. D

43. D

44. D

45. B

46. C

47. A

48. B

49. D

50. A

51. C

52. D

53. B

54. A

55. C

56. C

57. C

58. B

59. A

60. C

61. B

62. C

63. C

64. C
SECTION B: (2 points)
Question 1: That door has not been used for 20 years.
Question 2: John apologized for not phoning/ having phoned me earlier.
Question 3: I might have been invited to your party.
Question 4: I have never/ not tasted such a delicious meal before.
Question 5: Unless he obeys the rules, he will be sacked soon.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí






NĂM HỌC 2015 - 2016


Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH – LỚP 12

(Đề thi có 06 trang)

Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút

Mã đề 321

(không kể thời gian phát đề)

SECTION A (8 points)
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the
position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. managed

B. threatened

C. passed

D. cleared

Question 2: A. check

B. cheap

C. change

D. chemistry

Question 3: A. island

B. especial

C. escape

D. isolate

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main
stress in each of the following questions.
Question 4: A. vacancy

B. family

C. consider

D. furniture

Question 5: A. prevention

B. implement

C. fertilize

D. enterprise

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 6: There is no other place near here to get your motorbike _________
A. repaired

B. repair

C. to repair

D. repairing

Question 7: My aunt is a wildlife photographer. She _______ in London for many years.
A. have been living

B. will live

C. has been living

D. lives

Question 8: The tourists asked me how _________to Hoan Kiem lake.
A. did they get

B. they could get

C. would they get

D. could they get

Question 9: The government travel health advisory body recommends that pregnant women should
“consider _________ travel” to areas where Zika outbreaks are currently reported.
A. to avoid

B. avoiding

C. being avoided

D. avoid

Question 10: ____________ your help, I wouldn't have got the scholarship.

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A. Had not it been for

B. Unless I had

C. If I had had

D. But for

Question 11: The girls and flowers ___________ he painted were vivid.
A. who

B. that

C. whose

D. which

Question 12: The kind-hearted woman _______ all her life to helping the disabled and the poor.
A. wasted

B. spent

C. dedicated

D. lived

Question 13: Had we caught the earlier train, we__________ home by now.
A. would have been

B. would be

C. are

D. had been

Question 14: Peter saw Linda in her new dress at the party. Choose the most suitable sentence to fill in
the blank in the following exchange.
Peter: “_______________”
Landa: “Thank you for your compliment.”
A. You’ve done very well

B. This is a present for you

C. I’m glad that you’re well again

D. You look pretty in this dress

Question 15: Toxic chemicals in the air and land, contaminated water and increased water temperatures
have also driven many spices to the verge _________ extinction.
A. for

B. in

C. to

D. of

Question 16: The richer you are, ______.
A. the more you may become worried

B. the more worried you may become

C. the more worry you may become

D. you may become more worried

Question 17: Travel can ______ the mind, and exchange visits give young people experience of a
_______ way of life as well as a different language.
A. broadly/different

B. broaden/different C. broad/differently

D. broaden/differ

Question 18: It is imperative that the world __________ towards a solution to global warming before the
weather patterns of the world are disrupted irreparably.
A. work

B. to work

C. works

D. is working

Question 19: My mother bought ___________ from a shop on Ba Dinh street.
A. a nice brown leather belt

B. a brown nice leather belt

C. a leather brown nice belt

D. a nice leather brown belt

Question 20: The movie is ______ Shakespeare’s Hamlet in a number of ways.
A. like to

B. alike with

C. similar to

D. same as

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Question 21: When a fire broke out in the Louvre, at least twenty______ paintings were destroyed,
including two by Picasso.
A. worthless

B. valueless

C. priceless

D. meaningless

Question 22: I could hear voices but I couldn’t ________what they were saying.
A. turn up

B. bring about

C. make out

D. try out

Question 23: ____ I am aware, there were no problems during the first six months..
A. As far as

B. So much as

C. Much more than

D. Except that

Question 24: Lan and Mai was taking about their study at school. Choose the most suitable response to
fill in the blank in the following exchange.
Mai: “I thought your English skill was a lot better, Lan.”
Lan: “__________”
A. Thank you. I’d love to.

B. Yes, please. Just a little.

C. No, thanks. I think I can do it.

D. You’ve got to be kidding. I thought it was bad

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase which is CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word or phrase.
Question 25: Early sailing ships had some disadvantages.
A. losses

B. damages

C. discomforts

D. drawbacks

Question 26: These were the people who advocated using force to stop school violence.
A. publicly supported

B. openly criticized

C. strongly condemned

D. publicly said

Question 27: The Olympic Games impressed sports enthusiasts with its spirit: solidarity, cooperation for
peace and development.
A. had a favourable effect on

B. interested

C. amazed

D. created strong relation from.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 28: Cancer is becoming one of the common diseases.
A. ordinary

B. universal

C. rare

D. usual

Question 29: When he passes the entrance exam, his parents will be walking on the air.

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A. extremely happy

B. extremely light

C. feeling extremely airy

D. feeling extremely unhappy

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks.
The warming of the Pacific Ocean has created weather patterns (30)___ strongly affect the world.
When the water is warm, the (31)___ of rainfall in Indonesia and the surrounding regions decreases.
Australia could (32)___ experience a drought in many parts. On (33)___ hand, Chile (which borders the
Pacific Ocean) is preparing for (34)___ rainstorms. In Pakistan and northwestern India, the weather
pattern makes the rainy season weaker and makes the area much drier. This happening is called El Nino
and is used (35)___ weather forecasters to make long-range weather predictions. They also know that El
Nino will (36)___

unusually heavy rains to the southwestern part of the United States and make the

central part of the country drier at the same time. According to research, weather forecasters (37)___
know about the coming weather with certainty. Now everything has become completely different. El Nino
itself used to be (38)___. It would occur every two to seven years. But now, this weather pattern is
becoming more frequent. We cannot say when and how often tornadoes or cyclones occur. Scientists are
unsure of the reason for this (39)___ on a global scale either.
(Source: vi4.ilovetranslation.com)
Question 30: A. that

B. when

C. what

D. whether

Question 31: A. figure

B. number

C. deal

D. amount

Question 32: A. nevertheless

B. ever

C. however

D. even

Question 33: A. the other

B. another

C. other

D. others

Question 34: A. strict

B. severe

C. cruel

D. angry

Question 35: A. to

B. by

C. on

D. at

Question 36: A. fetch

B. bring

C. carry

D. take

Question 37: A. get used to

B. are used to

C. used to be

D. used to

Question 38: A. remarkable

B. notable

C. incredible

D. predictable

Question 39: A. transfer

B. shift

C. change

D. transformation

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.

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Question 40: The number of women earning Master's Degrees have risen sharply in recent years.




Question 41: Traditionally, Americans and Asians have had very different ideas about love and married.




Question 42: It was in 2006 when she got married to a well-known movie star.




Question 43: Chicago’s Sears Tower, now the taller building in the world, rises 1,522 feet from the



ground to the top of its antenna.
Question 44: Tom likes to gossip about other people, so he doesn’t like them to gossip about him.




Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Most languages have several levels of vocabulary that may be used by the same speakers. In English, at
least three have been identified and described.
Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of
the speakers of a language in any situation regardless of the level of formality. As such, these words and
expression are well defined and listed in standard dictionaries. Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are
familiar words and idioms that are understood by almost all speakers of a language and used in informal
speed or writing, but not considered acceptable for more formal situations. Almost all idiomatic
expressions are colloquial language. Slang, refers to words and expressions understood by a large number
of speakers but not accepted as appropriate formal usage by the majority.
Colloquial expressions and even slang may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so identified.
Both colloquial usage and slang are more common in speech than writing. Colloquial speech often passes
into standard speech. Some slang also passes into standard speech, but other slang expressions enjoy
momentary popularity followed by obscurity. In some cases, the majority never accepts certain slang
phrases but nevertheless retains them in their collective memories. Every generation seems to require its
own set of words to describe familiar objects and events.

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It has been pointed out by a number of linguists that three cultural conditions are necessary for the
creation of a large body of slang expressions. First, the introduction and acceptance of new objects and
situations in the society; second, a diverse population with a large number of subgroups; third, association
among the subgroups and the majority population.
Finally, it is worth noting that the terms “standard”, “colloquial”, and “slang” exist only as abstract
labels for scholars who study language. Only a tiny number of the speakers of any language will be aware
that they are using colloquial or slang expressions. Most speakers of English will, during appropriate
situations, select and use three types of expressions.
(Source: TOEFL Reading)
Question 45: The word "appropriate" in line 9 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. old

B. large

C. important

D. correct

Question 46: Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
A. Standard speech

B. Different types of vocabulary

C. Idiomatic phrases

D. Dictionary usage

Question 47:The word "obscurity" in line 13 could best be replaced by ________.
A. tolerance

B. influence

C. qualification

D. disappearance

Question 48: How is “slang” defined by the author?
A. Words and phrases accepted by the majority of formal usage.
B. Words or phrases understood by the majority but not found in standard dictionaries.
C. Words or phrases that are understood by a restricted group of speakers.
D. Words or phrases understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as formal
Question 49: Where in the passage does the author explain where colloquial language and slang are most
commonly used?
A. Line 21-23

B. Line 16-17

C. Line 10-11

D. Line 3-4

Question 50:Which of the following is true of standard usage?
A. It is constantly changing

B. It is limited to written language

C. It is only understood by the upper classes

D. It can be used in formal and informal settings

Question 51: The word “them” in line 14 refers to ________.
A. slang phrases

B. words

C. the majority

D. memories

Question 52:The author mentions all of the following as requirements for slang expressions to be created
EXCEPT ________.

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A. new situations

B. a number of linguists

C. interaction among diverse groups

D. new generation

Question 53: It can be inferred from the passage that the author ________.
A. does not approve of either slang or colloquial speech in any situation
B. approves of slang and colloquial speech in appropriate situations
C. approves of colloquial speech in some situations, but not slang
D. does not approve of colloquial usage in writing
Question 54: What does the author mean by the statement in line 5-7: "Colloquialisms, on the other
hand, are familiar words and idioms that are understood by almost all speakers of a language and used
in informal speech or writing, but not considered acceptable for more formal situations."?
A. Informal language contains colloquialisms, which are not found in more formal language.
B. Familiar situations that are experienced by most people are called colloquialisms.
C. Familiar words and phrases are found in both speech and writing in formal settings.
D. Most of the speakers of a language can used both formal and informal speech in their appropriate
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the question.
Diseases are a natural part of life on earth. If there were no diseases, the population would grow too
quickly, and there would not be enough food or other resources, so in a way, diseases are natural ways of
keeping the Earth in balance. But sometimes they spread very quickly and kill large numbers of people.
For example, in 1918, an outbreak of the flu spread across the world, killing over 25 million people in
only six months. Such terrible outbreaks of a disease are called pandemics.
Pandemics happen when a disease changes in a way that our bodies are not prepared to fight. In 1918,
a new type of flu virus appeared. Our bodies had no way to fight this new flu virus, and so it spread very
quickly and killed large numbers of people. While there have been many different pandemic diseases
throughout history, all of them have a new thing in common.
First, all pandemic diseases spread from one person to another very easily.
Second, while they may kill many people, they generally do not kill people very quickly. A good
example of this would be the Marburg virus. The Marburg virus is an extremely infectious disease. In

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

addition, it is deadly. About 70 -80% of all people who get the Marburg virus died from the disease.
However, the Marburg virus has not become a pandemic because most people die within three days of
getting the disease. This means that the virus does not have enough time to spread a large number of
people. The flu virus of 1918, on the other hand, generally took about a week to ten days to kill its victims,
so it had more time to spread.
While we may never be able to completely stop pandemics, we can make them less common. Doctors
carefully monitor new diseases that they fear could become pandemics. For example, in 2002, and 2003,
doctors carefully watched SARS. Their health warnings may have prevented SARS from becoming a
(Source: TOEFL Reading)
Question 55: According to paragraph 1, how are diseases a natural part of life on Earth?
A. They prevent pandemics

B. They help control the population

C. They led the world grow quickly

D. They kill too many people

Question 56: Based on the information in the passage the term “pandemics” can be explained as ______
A. diseases with no cure
B. a deadly kind of flu
C. diseases that spread quickly and kill large numbers of people
D. new disease like SARS or the Marburg virus
Question 57: According to the passage, what causes pandemics?
A. Changes in a disease that body cannot fight
B. Careless doctors who do not watch the spread of disease
C. Population growth that the world cannot support
D. The failure to make new medicines
Question 58: According to the passage, all of the following are true of the 1918 flu pandemic EXCEPT
that ______
A. it involved a new kind of flu virus

B. it killed over 25 million people

C. it was the last pandemic in history

D. it took a little over a week to kill its victims

Question 59: The word “it” in the passage refers to _______
A. disease

B. flu virus

C. pandemics

D. bodies

Question 60: Which of the following is mentioned as a common feature of all pandemic diseases?
A. They spread from people to people very quickly

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

B. It kill many people very quickly
C. They do not kill people very quickly
D. They kill all the victims
Question 61: According to paragraph 3, why hasn’t Marburg virus become a pandemic?
A. It is not a deadly disease
B. It does not spread from person to person easily
C. Doctors have prevented it from becoming a pandemic
D. It kills people too quickly
Question 62: The word ‘monitor’ in the passage is closest in meaning to _______
A. fight

B. prevent

C. watch

D. avoid

Question 63: The author mentions SARS in order to ________
A. give an example of a highly dangerous disease
B. suggest that SARS will never become a pandemic
C. give an example of the successful prevention of a pandemic
D. suggest that there may be a new pandemic soon.
Question 64: This passage is mainly about________
A. how to prevent pandemic diseases

B. pandemic diseases

C. pandemic diseases throughout history

D. why pandemics happen

SECTION B (2 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Question 65: “Would you like to come to my party tomorrow?” Jean invited me.
Jean _______________________________________________________________.
Question 66: You won’t lose weight if you don’t stop eating much.
Unless ___________________________________________________________________.
Question 67: Since the invention of computer, people have saved a lot of time.
Since the computer was ________________________________________________.
Question 68: Although his both legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.
Despite _____________________________________________________________.
Question 69: The plane had hardly left the airport when the accident happened.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

No sooner ___________________________________________________________.
II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of playing sport. Write your
paragraph on your answer sheet.
The following prompts might be helpful to you.
- relax
- keeping fit.
- preventing diseases.
---------- THE END --------Thí sinh không sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.
Họ và tên giám thị 1: ………………………………………… Chữ ký :…………………
Họ và tên giám thị 2: ………………………………………… Chữ ký :…………………

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

(MÃ ĐỀ THI 321)
SECTION A (8 points)

Đáp án


Đáp án


Đáp án


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SECTION B (2 points)
I. (0,5 điểm)
Question 65: Jean invited me to come to her party the next day.
Question 66: Unless you stop eating much, you won’t lose weight.
Question 67: Since the computer was invented, people have saved a lot of time.
Question 68: Despite his both broken legs, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.
Question 69: No sooner had the plane left the airport than the accident happened.
II. (1.5 điểm)