Evaluation of print media

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Evaluation of Print Media


© 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Classifications of Magazines

By Content
ƒ Consumer Magazines
ƒ Farm Magazines
ƒ Business Magazines
ƒ Professional Group
ƒ Industrial Magazines
ƒ Trade Magazines
ƒ General Business
ƒ Health Care magazines

By Size

Small or Pocket

By Geography
ƒ Local
ƒ Regional
ƒ National

Advantages of Magazines

¾ Selectivity
¾ Reproduction Quality
¾ Creative Flexibility
¾ Permanence
¾ Prestige
¾ Receptivity, Involvement
¾ Services

Magazines are targeted to specific audiences

Special Magazine Features

¾Bleed Pages
¾Cover Positions
¾Gate Folds
¾Island Halves

Disadvantages of Magazines

¾ Costs
¾ Limited Reach and Frequency
¾ Long Lead Time
¾ Clutter and Competition

Magazine Circulation
and Readership

¾ Circulation
ƒ Primary Circulation
ƒ Guaranteed Circulation
ƒ Controlled-circulation

¾ Readership and Total Audience
ƒ Pass-along readership
ƒ Total audience (readers per copy X circulation)

Audience Information and Research

¾ Circulation Verification Services
– Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC)
– Business Publications Audit

¾ SRDS Media Solutions
¾ Syndicated Audience Studies
– Simmons Market Research Bureau
– Mediamark Research Inc. (MRI)

SRDS Media Solutions provides information
on magazine for media planners

Factors determining magazine ad rates

¾ Circulation of the magazine
¾ Color
¾ Size of the ad
¾ Position in the magazine
¾ Special mechanical or production
¾ Number and frequency of insertions

The Future of Magazines
¾ Declining Ad Revenues
¾ Stronger Editorial Platforms
¾ Circulation Management
¾ Cross-Magazine and Media Deals
¾ Database Marketing
¾ Advances in Technology
¾ Electronic Delivery Methods

Most magazines cannot survive without
advertising revenue

Newspaper Overview

¾ The dominant advertising vehicle
¾ Account for 22% of ad dollars
¾ Over 1,400 daily papers in print
¾ Daily circulation over 60 million
¾ Main community medium
¾ Local ads provide 85% of revenue

Newspaper Classifications

Publication Frequency



Audience Type

ƒ Daily
ƒ Weekly

ƒ National
ƒ Special-Audience
ƒ Supplements

ƒ Standard
ƒ Tabloid

ƒ Ethnic, religious
ƒ Business, financial
ƒ College

Newspaper Advertising
¾ Display Ads

ƒ Local (mostly retail)
ƒ National or General

¾ Classified Ads

ƒ Small items arranged by topic
ƒ Rates based in size, duration
ƒ Classified display - combination

¾ Public Notices

ƒ Legal notices - public reports
ƒ Notices by people, organizations

¾ Printed Inserts

ƒ Prepared separately by advertisers

Advantages of Newspapers

¾ Extensive Penetration
¾ Flexibility
¾ Geographic Selectivity
¾ Reader Involvement, Acceptance
¾ Services Offered

Section Segmentation

¾ Sports Section
ƒ Heavy (down-scale) male readership

¾ Society Section
ƒ Heavy (mid-scale) female readership

¾ Financial Section
ƒ Appeals to the business reader

¾ Comic Section
ƒ Heavy child/adolescent readership

Ads can be run in various sections of most

Newspaper Drawbacks

¾ Production quality may be low
¾ Short life span
¾ Lack of selectivity
¾ Clutter
¾ Potential for poor ad placement
¾ Maybe overlapping circulation

Two Ways to Buy Newspaper Space

Agate Lines
ƒ Measuring 1/4" deep by 1 standard
column wide
ƒ A standard column is usually 2" wide

Column Inch
ƒ Column inch is 1 inch deep by 1 column
ƒ There are 14 agate lines per column